Tag Archives: quiche

Foodie Friday-3 Cheese Crustless Quiche


Happy Friday everyone! (Well..it is slightly 8 am Friday morning China-time! ) One of my favorite things about the weekend is to treat myself to delicious meals that I do not have time to make during the week. So, I will be posting a recipe every Friday for your weekend FOODspiration . One of those challenges of living abroad is the difficulty of finding my favorite comfort foods from home (and having them taste atleast somewhat the same). One of my favorite comfort foods is quiche. (Cheesy, peppery,oniony…whats not to love? I love quiche because is such a versatile dish, you can literally put together any combination of deli meat, vegetables and/or cheese, and voila! You have yourself an easy and delicious meal!

Quiche, and quiche dough, are unfortunately one of those foods that are hard to find in restaurants in China. Furthermore, pie crust is nearly impossible to find so to make the crust at home would be time-consuming at best(not to mention all those extra calories added by the quiche dough). So…my solution to quiche cravings in China? No crust quiche!  A three cheese and bacon crustless quiche to be precise! With the flavours and richness of onion, cheese and bacon, there is no need for crust in this quiche to fulfill its duty as a go to comfort food, and there is no added guilt in going for that second piece! 😉


5 Eggs

¼ cup flour

1 1/2 cups of milk

1 tbsp margarine (melted)

½ cup diced onion

½ cup mixed grated mozzarella and cheddar

2 Tbsp shredded parmesan cheese

4 slices of bacon

1 Tsp salt

1 Tsp pepper

*You may also add any herbs or veggies that youd like…or substitute a veggie for cheese and/or bacon*

 1.Fry bacon in a pan until crispy. When cool, remove oil, crumble bacon into small pieces and set aside.

2. Whisk eggs in bowl. Slowly whisk in melted margarine an milk. GRADUALLY mix in flour (if not it gets clumpy…I learned this the hard way). Stir in S&P

3. Mix in bacon, cheese and diced onion into the egg mixture.

4. Pour mixture into a 9 inch pie pan.

5. Bake in oven for about 30 min (until you can stick a fork in the quiche and nothing remains on the fork)

Serve with a six of mixed greens with a little balsamic and oil and voila! You have yourself a simple and delicious meal! 🙂
