Awesome Isle of Wight


Looking for somewhere somewhat off the map to travel? Well try out the Isle of Wight.:) I spent four months when I was 19 working at an international camp for kids on the Isle of Wight. Where might the Isle of Wight be do you ask? Well, it is an island off of the south coast of England, about a 30 min ferry ride from Portsmouth.

The Isle of Wight is a taste of old school England, with its winding roads, picturesque villages and quaint brick homes. It generally misses the rainy weather of the rest of England, and, a fun fact…you know that Beatles song “Ticket to Ride”?? (

Well…it was actually inspired by the town called “Ryde” on the Isle of Wight! Apparently, Paul McCartney’s brother worked in a pub in Ryde and John Lennon and Paul hitchhiked down there to visit him for a holiday! (

The Isle of Wight has beautiful beaches with rocky coves, a stellar music festival, awesome pubs with thirst quenching ciders and delicious dishes (my fav is the Crab and Lobster Inn


The Isle of Wight is also home to a GARLIC farm! And as a foodie and wanna-be chef, garlic is one of my alltime favourite ingredients, and the garlic farm, with its tasty chutneys and dips available to sample and buy, did not disappoint.


The Isle of Wight is generally not a crazy party island (with the exception of the Isle of Wight Music Fest). But there enough pubs to keep you entertained, and if you are looking for remnants of old English feel, beautiful scenery and tasty food and drinks, I would definitely recommend! Its quite easy to get to with several ferry’s leaving Portsmouth every couple of hours.

And as an added bonus…there are plenty of “midnight creepers” around 😉 haha


*If you’d like anymore info about my work on the Isle of Wight feel free to ask..i’m happy to answer any questions you may have! *

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